Friday, February 12, 2016



Henan Province, China
November 2015

She said it didn't hurt but I think she is a big liar.  That had to hurt like hell. She said I should try it because it has just great healing powers.  But I can't understand why anyone would burn herself for healing powers. I hope her back heals.

She and another student went to the health clinic and had this done for $2. The heat apparently sucks all forte impurities out of your system.

"It feels good", she assures me.  So I ask the other student, Belle, for her take. "OK, maybe a little bit. It hurt a little bit with the first one", she admits.

So  I ask, "Is it that the first one hurt a lot and the rest didn't hurt as much or did it not hurt after the first one"?

"Yea, yea", Belle tells me, "the first one hurt the most but they all hurt a little."

"You going to do it again?"

"No", she tells me, "no."