Monday, December 14, 2015

The Yam Man: 3 Years Later

The Yam Man: 3 Years Later
Xinzheng City, Henan
November 2015

When I was in China in 2012, I saw this man every day. He keeps his cart right outside the campus walls and he sells yams every day of the year, rain or shine.  I interviewed him and this conversation has stayed with me as I plot through begrudging moments in my life.  "At least I'm not the yam man," I tell myself during those moments when life can be a challenge.

I saw him, yesterday, in the rain, on Sunday, selling yams.  As usual, he gave me a big smile and worked with out complaint.  In three 1/2 years, he's worked 1277 days, making a pittance of a salary. Who am I ever to complain about my life.