Monday, September 21, 2015

Carpenter's Point, MD

Carpenter's Point, MD

In November, 2006, I bought a small home in Carpenter's Point, MD.  It was my new, second home, my weekend get-away where I could kayak whenever I wanted. Since it was only an hour away, it was easy to leave work on a summer afternoon and be on the water by 530.  I could kayak for an hour or so and then run off some place nice for a crab dinner and be home by 10:00 PM, refreshed and ready to start a new day at work

Summer weekends were filled with guests who came for the day and then maybe had one beer too many and stayed overnight. Winter weekends had guests who showed up Friday night for dinner and then wandered down to Baltimore with me to explore he harbor or visit the American Visual Arts Museum.

I live here full time now.  I look at the water and the sunsets and the moon and the stars each and every day and I never grow tired of the magnificent scenery.

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