Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Can I Say One Thing?

Can I Say One Thing?
Springfield High School
Springfield, PA

Standing in front of 300 disinterested freshmen students, I am pleading my case as to why they should heed my advice and give their best effort to the state mandated testing. This is a hard sell for a number of reasons: (1) I do not really support all of this testing, (2) there are no real consequences for them if they do not perform well, (3) they are freshmen; they don’t care about anything academic. 

So in between the constant reminders to put their phones away and stop talking and commands to pay attention, I speak to them about their future and their sense of pride in their academic success. A part of me is sort of glad they are not really listening, because really who wants to listen to this type of garbage.  I don’t even want to hear it and I am the principal.

I finish my 30-minute rant and let out a sigh of relief; similar to the sigh I give when I am finally freed from the mammography machine.  It’s over for another year. I don’t have to suffer this humiliation for another 365 days.

“So we all understand the importance of this test, right?” I reinforce one last time. There is a slight mummer of response so I speak up even louder as I ask the question again and get a bit louder response and I think that is enough badgering for one day.

“Before I send you back to class, is there anyone who wants to ask any questions or make any comments for the good of the group”, I ask to a sea of dazed, disinterested students.  And a hand quickly shoots up.  I feel a pinged of hope.

“Yes, Carla, what is it”?

“Can I just say one thing? she asks sweetly.

“Go ahead, But first, everyone, listen up.  Carla has something important to say”.  When most eyes are now on me, I continue,   “Go ahead now, Carla.”

“I just think it is so cool that you don’t dye your hair.  I love your white hair.”

The crowd roars and I shake my head in disbelief.

“Thank you Carla, that isn’t what I was expecting, but I will take the compliment.  But now that I finally have everyone’s attention, please don’t forget to do your best on the state testing.”

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