Sunday, June 21, 2015


Hot Sulphur Springs Resort
Sitting on a bench at the springs and this moth landed.
June 2015

“I have a great idea, let’s go to the hot springs for the day”, Tana suggested to KT and me.  I was visiting Colorado for the week and I was game for anything.  KT, who also lives in Colorado, had never been there so she liked the idea as well.  We packed our car with the bare essentials and drove 4 hours from Boulder, through Este Park and the Rocky Mountain National Park, and to the Hot Sulphur Springs Resort.

There are lots of small pools and medium size pools, all advertising various degrees of heat.  The range spans from 90F to 112F.  Both ends of the spectrum are too extreme for me so I look for something in the middle.  There is a pool that is 105F and the temperature is just right.  But there is nowhere to sit so I lose interest quickly.

There is the magnesium pool that is dark in color and has plenty of places to sit.  But it is housed inside so my friends lose interest quickly because the day is beautiful and we should be outside, under the beautiful blue skies. Again, we leave after 10 minutes.

One pool is small and has a slight waterfall.  “But it isn’t as good as the big pool with the big water fall’. Tana tells us.  But the temperature posted is too hot for me.  So we wander up to another pool up on the hill.  A big privacy fence blocks our view of everyone else and we get a great view of the meadows and we can hear the frogs crocking.  But this water isn’t hot enough either. So again, we just aren’t satisfied.

So we wander off to the large pool with the large waterfall and surprisingly, the water isn’t too hot.  As a matter of fact, it is a perfect temperature.  And there are seats around most of the perimeter of the pool.  And there is a tiny private pool, dug out along the side that is filled with hot, hot water for those who want to step in and out of very hot water.  Tana crawls into this space and sinks down so that her entire body is submerged, “Jes, this is really hot” and then she slides back in to the pool and joins us again.

We spend the rest of the afternoon here, soaking, floating, and hanging under the waterfall that pelts us with a lovely, intense hot shower.  I let this water hit me on my back and the top of my head.  I face it briefly and let it hit my face for just a second but that hurts too much so I turn around and again let the back of my neck take the pleasurable beating until the heat becomes just too much and then I kneel down and float back to my friends.

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