Monday, January 27, 2025

A Few Words From MALALA


Bridget E Kelly updated her status.

January 27, 2017 
Shared with Public
From Malala "I am heartbroken that today President Trump is closing the door on children, mothers and fathers fleeing violence and war. I am heartbroken that America is turning its back on a proud history of welcoming refugees and immigrants — the people who helped build your country, ready to work hard in exchange for a fair chance at a new life.
I am heartbroken that Syrian refugee children, who have suffered through six years of war by no fault of their own, are singled-out for discrimination.
I am heartbroken for girls like my friend Zaynab, who fled wars in three countries — Somalia, Yemen and Egypt — before she was even 17. Two years ago she received a visa to come to the United States. She learned English, graduated high school and is now in college studying to be a human rights lawyer.
Zaynab was separated from her little sister when she fled unrest in Egypt. Today her hope of being reunited with her precious sister dims.
In this time of uncertainty and unrest around the world, I ask President Trump not to turn his back on the world’s most defenseless children and families.” MALALA
Marilyn Vaughn
So sad!
Jacki Budicker VanGorden
As were the Jews who were on their life-saving ships to the US that were turned away by the US only to return to Nazi Concentration camps and their deaths. Chuck Schumer, do something!
Fonda Akins
For Shame! Where is his bottom? How low can he possibly go?

Kathi Lewis
So well put Bridget, we have to ban together to get him out of office!! There's no other way!!
Bridget E Kelly
These are not my words. Malala said them.
Melissa Shanley Yetter
I am too- so sad

Betty Diane Ulrich
And with the VP protesting in the pro life march, it is a shame they do not respect all life

Carol Fox
Every minute that clicks by puts this country and her people and land further back into the dark ages!! It took centuries to love her and set up protections for all, and this guy is wiping it all out in less than a week!! MASHA GESSEN summed it up perfectly for me, when she said we are now living in a "low level dread". That feeling is eating me alive!! I no longer feel safe in my own country.

Arnold Murphy-Kendall
Join together, protest and support those who can fight for the right

Katherine DiSimoni
Bridget, you are so knowledgable and well spoken! I see and hear your sorrow, happiness and your ideals in your words. Please continue to post so I can keep up with the world.
Bridget E Kelly
My apologies, I did not write this, Malala did. I have to somehow correct this misunderstanding as I am not as articulate as this 19 year old Nobel recipient.
Katherine DiSimoni
Au contraire, mon ami! I did get the quotatrrion marks and reference to her friends. The only reason I did was bBK/c my son gave me her book to read and I faintly recalled it! Keep trucking,
Gloria Handling
What a travesty!!😢 I am so devastated right now. I have taught my children and grandchildren love, tolerance and to embrace differences and now this abomination . Stand up America for what is right💔😧