10 Things I KnowAbout Traveling
Around The World
I have had the good fortune to travel around the world. I have been to all seven continents. I have traveled to 80 countries. I have traveled to every state, except Hawaii, in the USA. I have taken a road trip across country by myself. And I've had many other great adventures as well. And here is what I have learned.
1- you better have multiple ways to access your money because your credit cards, your cash and other forms of currency are going to give you a problem at some time in your trip.
2- Be very careful about the water you drink, even the bottled water may be compromised. When I travel, I bring water pills and a small water filtration device. And I drink light beer as a water substitute because, in some places, this is a more hygienic option.
3- Pack light. Pack your bag and then eliminate half of what you packed.
4- Always be polite, ALWAYS.
5- Be prepared for rain.
6- Don't carry all of your money with you at all times. When you are out shopping, just bring as much money as you can afford to lose that day. Keep the rest of your money in a secured place.
7- Learn a few key words in the language of the country you are visiting and use them often. Learn "thank you" and "please" and "hello" and "delicious."
8- Bring an antibiotic with you. Finding a doctor in some areas of the world is difficult to find. And finding medicine can be equally as difficult..
9- Read your travel books before you take your trip. Map out what you want to see. But be flexible as you will discover more great things along the way.
10- Check your travel insurance policies, your health insurance policies and your car insurance policies. Know what is covered and what is not covered.