Spring 2012
I wish I had stepped back one or two more feet when I took this photo.
Victory Brewery
Downingtown, PAForest & Main Brewery
Greetings From Gloria
SIAS University
Henan Province, China
December 2012
Gloria was one of my students in my leadership class in China. She writes to me every time she hears of an American holiday. She doesn't know what the holiday necessarily entails but she makes sure she acknowledges it. She is generous with her efforts to value what she understands to be important to me.
Selia Wants to Return to The USA
Beijing, China
Fall 2013
Selia wrote to me last night. She is so hungry to return to the USA that she doesn't care what she studies. Since I have known her, she has wanted to study to be a translator, a teacher, a diplomat, a social worker, a business woman. Now she is contemplating environmental education. She has probably never had a course in environmental issues.
Hearing From Nadia
Sias University
Henan Province, China
Spring 2013
During the spring of 2012, I taught global leadership skills to college women. And I loved this assignment. The women were wonderful. When I returned home, I heard from many if not lost of them. But I hadn't heard from Nadia in awhile so it was great to hear from her. It was a year ago today that I left China. I still miss my students. They were precious.
Carina's Views on the USA Presidential Election
Sias University
Henan Province China
October 2012
I asked my students to give me thier views on our national elections. Several answered and here is Carina's answer. Sorry it is so late but my computer was down for two weeks.
Fresh V19 IPA
Just Wondering
My Tweets About Trump
One Day in July 2020
Smoked Lager
Chatting With Annum
January 18, 2021
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Annum was one of my students in my leadership program which I taught in Bangladesh last year. I just sent her a vulgar photo of Trump. Both of us abhor him. Here is her take on the current situation in the USA.