Friday, November 30, 2018

Thursday, November 29, 2018

July 26, 2013

July 26, 2013
Jacmel, Haiti
Water, I think about it all the time. What are we going to do when there is no more clean water? The water situation seems a little better in Haiti than in other poverty countries I have visited. It seems as if people do not have to walk as far to get clean water. Water stations can be found at random spots around the city. Mostly women fetch the water, five gallons at a time. They carry the water buckets on their heads and make their way through the rutted streets with an ease that amazes me.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

X Y Z Memories

Thoughts and memories and things


X-rays- I can look at them but I can't read them.
X Box- I have never played with an X Box and I am not really sure I know what one looks like.
X Chromosomes- yup, that's me, a female.
Xerox-a noun that became a verb.
Xenophobia- fear of strangers or foreigners- I think I have the opposite of this phobia.  When I hear an accent, I want to know where that person is from.


  • Yellowstone National Park- 2005- Wyoming- I went dog sledding.
  • Year of the Dragon- 2012- I taught at Sias University in China for the spring semester.
  • Youth- gone, gone, gone.
  • Yodeling- I like to yodel but I am more loud than talented.
  • Yellow- I don't really like this color.
  • Yield- I need to yield more as I go through life.
  • Yacht- I consider buying a 50 foot yacht and anchoring it in a marina and using it as a weekend get away.  I am glad I didn't because we all know that boat stands for Bring Out Another $Thousand.
  • Yards Brewing Company- PHL- a lovely place to have a beer.
  • Yarn- I had a loom for 35 years so I collected a ton of yard in my life.  And I used the loom twice.
  • YUP, I Ate ThatI've had the good fortune to travel a lot and I have eaten some pretty gross things.  Here are a few things I've tired (but never again): pig's ear, locust, jellyfish, Rocky Mountain Oysters- Bull balls, cow intestines, cow stomach, frogs, tarantula, grubs, yak butter tea, blood pudding, minnows, fermented mare's milk, warthog, oryx, live meal worms.
  • Yaks- Tibet- they are big, smelly beasts of burden. I chose not to ride one.
  • Yolk- I always like my egg yolks to be hard.
  • Yurts- I stayed in several of them in Mongolia but they call them gerts.
  • Yawn- I yawn a lot.
  • Yell- I can really yell.
  • Yams- yea, I like them but I don't eat them that often.
  • Years- 62 and counting.
  • Yelp- I add reviews but I don't read other people's reviews.


  • Zebras- I could look at them all day.out her.
  • Zelda Fitzgerald- I was intrigued by her when I was in college.  I read as much as I could ab
  • Zimbabwe- a great place to go on safari.
  • Zeno's- one of my favorite Penn State bars.
  • Zip codes- I can never remember my damn zip code.
  • Zodiacs- I like to ride in them.  But they are an effort for me to get in and out of them.
  • Zest for Life- some days this is high for me.  Other days, I'm zapped.
  • Zapped- an accurate description of my energy level on some days.
  • Zombie- Some days I take on zombie qualities.
  • Zoos- I don't necessary like them.  I prefer to see animals in the wild.
  • Zweiback crackers- hate them.
  • Zoology- the older I get, the more interested I have in studying animals.
  • Zealot- I think of this as a negative term for some religious people.
  • Zanzibar- I was scheduled to go there but then there was some minor political unrest there right before an election.  So my Peace Corp friend from Tanzania was not allowed to go.  So we all forfeited this opportunity.
  • Zygote- the debate over abortions.  Is this a life form yet?

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Wandering Amongst The Ruins

Wandering Amongst The Ruins
Athens, Greece
December 2007

We marvel at buildings in our country that are 200 years old.  There are so few of them.  I remember, the first time I went to Italy.  Our guide referred to one building as a newer building.  It was 400 years old.  And today, when I walked through Athens, I couldn't walk down the street without stopping and staring and wondering how many people before me, walked this same street, stared at this same ruin, noticed these five strong women.

Saturday, November 24, 2018

The Day After The Election

Facebook Posts

The Day After The Election
I Lost, Sorta
November 5, 2104

I just got back from Maryland after spending yesterday at the polls in support of my amazing friend and colleague, Bridget E Kelly, who was running for state senate in district 35. At the polls, we were amazed by a virtual conga line of people who stopped to tell Bridget that her message of "community, compromise, consensus and commitment" and "every voice matters; every voice heard" resonated personally with them. Armed with a modest budget, no political experience, a cadre of loyal supporters from both Pennsylvania and Maryland, and a passion for governmental reform, Bridget knocked on a minimum of 100 doors EVERY DAY in her district. She visited town halls, libraries, veterans’ hospitals, the Chesapeake, NAACP meetings, churches, schools, neighborhoods, businesses, prisons, and homeless encampments. I've seen her spend 20 minutes with an individual who was adamant against voting for any democrat, listening to his concerns, and wishing him well even when she knew she was not going to get his vote. Yesterday, Bridget and her campaign were caught in the anti-democrat backlash that swept not only Maryland but a lot of the nation. Although she had 11,000 people buck the trend and vote for her, often splitting their vote to do so, she was unsuccessful. In the end, Bridget did not lose: the voters in District 35 in Harford and Cecil Counties did. And what a shame for them. Bridget ran a clean campaign and refused to bad mouth her opponent in any way; but I am willing to bet he is not going to pound the pavement like she did or take the time to interact not only with the power brokers but also the forgotten, the underrepresented, the disenfranchised, the poor and the people who exist on the outskirts of our society. I hope for the voters in district 35 I am wrong. As for Bridget, she remains committed to the people of Maryland and summed up her experience with this quote: "you don't need to be elected to step up and serve". What a class act. Bridget, it's an honor to know you and an honor to have worked on your campaign. It's an experience I'll never forget. --Marilyn

Bridget E Kelly: Marilyn Lake-DellAngelo, you are a wonderful friend.

Marilyn Lake-DellAngelo: back at you, Bridget! :-)

Cathy Montague Jenkins: A loss for maryland for sure. Better luck next time Bridget! We need you!

Betsy Scholz Paugh: This is the truth, and a well deserved tribute to an outstanding woman! Proud to be your friend Bridget E Kelly

Maureen O'Reilly Naylor: Wow, well said and definitely heartfelt. I am inspired by Bridget's commitment and willingness to give.

Linda McConnell Nicosia-Sherman: Great job, Bridget,Maryland's loss! Marilyn, you are a true friend.

Sandra Fisher: Next time you'll win!!!

What a funny feeling today. Even though I didn't win, I don't feel any loss. I am proud of my team and can't thank Kathy BandosMarilyn Lake-DellAngelo and Janice Lion enough for all of their efforts.  Kimberly Wagner was a great treasurer. Over 60 people volunteered to make phone calls, knock on doors or send out mailers. And yesterday, I stood at my voting poll and one person after another stopped me and told me they were cheering for me. While the numbers just weren't enough to get me to Annapolis, the encouragement I received from so many strangers have shown me that you don't need to be elected to step up and serve.

Kathy Flatley Bandos : Great to be part of your team. You did an outstanding job and your 
campaign opened many opportunities 
for you to make a difference in MD.

Jan Tucker Mulligan: Inspired and proud to know you! What's next?

Rita Young Kanouse You are an absolute inspiration to so many...proud to be your friend

William Bill Hughes: It's been a pleasure to meet you at all these Cecil Brunch Club events. You're
 a caring, smart and trusting individual who I looked forward to voting for in the election over the 
Gov and Sheriff's race. I know you're a winner and so do so
 many others who got it right when they voted for you.

Marilyn Vaughn: What a gracious thing to say,Bridget. You are not a loser in my book, but an 

Tom Myers: Bridget, thank you for running. I thought you ran a great campaign and I can't wait to 
see what's next for you!

Kate Shaw Boyle: You're an amazing lady!

Artie Conquest: I am extremely proud of you and I am truly blessed to have you in my life. God 
bless you

Paula Casagrande: You fought the good fight!

Denise Kelly Moore: Hang in there. You are an inspiration to all who know u.

Lisa Marie Dusak You know, those who can see winning in "loss" are the true leaders and the 
ones who honorably wins! What a class act you are, BEK! Don't stop being the inspiration you are! 
I am sure the support and cheers you had received, and continue to receive ("BEK! BEK! BEK!") 
warms your heart. Good for you!!

Doris Gough: Wonderful attitude.

Gina Kazimir: You ran a great race, and deserve to be proud of doing so regardless of the outcome.

Kris Bakken Mooney: Bridget, you have the BEST attitude! I'm so proud to know you!

Robert Ford: I'm proud to count myself as a friend of yours, Bridget.. great job!

Kathleen Billmire: First time running, you did AWESOME Bridget!

Chip Cummings: bummer- but I am sure you will keep on top of MD one way or another

Gloria Handling: You are a winner where ever you go!! I am proud to know you. Glo ;-)

Marla Posey-Moss: Bridget, it was a pleasure working with you. I dare say, if all of us had did the 
same, more of us would have made victory. A HOUSE divided will surely fall. Thank you for 
being a visionary and true to the cause.

Jill Yazwinsky Dougherty: So proud of you and inspired by you

Chris Arllen Reeder: We are so very proud of you. What a loss for Maryland that you didn't quite 
make it.

Carol B. Hall: Knowing you, I know you fought the good ! I wish you'd won but know you kept 
your integrity which is so important.

Shelley Evans: It was my pleasure, Bridget E Kelly, to participate in the campaign for 
Bridgetkelly2014! Next time, we'll win!

Jaye Pedante: I am so very lucky to know you and to have you in my life - you are who all of us 
should aspire to be.

Susan Descano: "Because I knew you...I have been changed for good" Thank you Bridget E Kelly.

Kathryn T Nicolella: Yeah, and SHS has fireworks for graduation!

Selia Wang You are the best Bridget E Kelly

Judith Luther Wilder: Bridget, if you're as proud of yourself as your friends are of you, you must
 feel wonderful!

Katie Uhler: We talked about eastern shore stuff. Considering all that you have an awful lot to be 
proud of. Keep plugging away- sit and eat some crabs at Rock Hall. Heck, I'll join you!


Bridget, your family is beyond proud of your efforts. xo

Lucinda Taber: Very proud of your effort

Jill Potter: Mason and I love you and are proud of you!


Thanks Bridget E Kelly and Hope Christman Smith for fighting the good fight.

Friday, November 23, 2018

August 3, 2016


August 3, 2016
Carpenter's Point, MD
Day 4 of the great repair job
A damn broken pipe from the water main to my main valve.

I think today is going to be the day my leak is finally fixed. The plumber is not so optimistic and he just left to go back and get more equipment. He did find a possum skeleton in my crawl space.

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Weathering the Storm

Weathering the Storm
Hurricane Sandy
Springfield, PA

A Facebook Posting;  Bridget E Kelly is with Susan Descano and Tilman Buntz, Kristen Kollars and Tom Descano at Sue Descano's House.

October 29, 2012 at 11:11 AM · Springfield Township

My German friends had been in Philadelphia for the last two weeks with their high school students and were ready to travel to NYC for the week.  But the hurricane ruined every one's plan.  The students stayed with their host families and we converged on Sue's house for the week.

My post- We are all stuck here until further notice. The Germans could not go to NYC today so we decided to seek shelter with someone who would really take care of us. We may never leave.


Jaye Pedante: Good choice! Good luck, Sue

Bridget E Kelly:  I haven't seen sue for an hour. I think she sought shelter elsewhere.

Jaye Pedante don't blame her - she has hurricane Sandy and hurricane Bridget to contend with

Tilman Buntz:  Spent some time in the hot tub - lost power for awhile - we are all good.

Bridget E Kelly:  But we are out of beer so we are in crisis now Jaye. Please send provisions
We are becoming dehydrated.

Kathryn T Nicolella-  OMG Tom may survive if they can find beer. Sue, I worry about you. good luck.